How to Write a Good News Article

News is information about events that affect a large number of people. It includes major world events and political turmoil, as well as smaller, local happenings like crime or weather changes.

Throughout history, news has been transported through oral communication channels and written media such as letters, magazines and newspapers. Today, new forms of audience participation are affecting the development of news and how it is perceived.

Some of the biggest topics that are covered in news include war, government, politics, education, health, the economy, business, fashion, entertainment and sport. It can also cover more quirky or unusual events. The most popular sources of news are television, radio and the internet.

A key aspect of writing a news article is research. It is important to have a wide range of sources and to cite them properly. It is also essential to keep the writing short, concise and to the point. It is usually best to write in the third person. If a name is used, it should be spelled out in full and first initials are not used unless the story is about them.

Writing a great headline is important to catch readers’ attention and to convey the essence of the story. It should be short and snappy, following Associated Press style guidelines if your publication specifies this.

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