The Basics of Poker


Poker is an international card game that can be played with any number of players from 2 to 14.

The objective of the game is to win a “pot” by having the highest-ranked poker hand. In poker, each player is dealt five cards (or, in some forms of play, a combination of four of them and one “kicker”), which they can use to create their hand.

Poker ranks hands according to their odds (probability). The ranking of standard poker hands is based on a table that lists each hand in order from lowest to highest.

A flush is the highest hand; it is comprised of five cards in sequential order. The ranking of other poker hands is based on their relative value to other hands of the same rank.

Flush: A poker hand of five cards in consecutive order, usually of the same suit. The best flush hand is a straight flush, which contains five cards of the same suit in sequential order, and beats any straight.

Three of a kind: A hand consisting of three identical cards, such as two pair. A full house is a hand with three of a kind and a pair of aces.

Four of a kind: A hand consisting a pair of cards and four other matching cards, such as two pair and two aces.

The winning poker hand is determined by the highest-ranked hand that was created from the five cards of each player’s hand and the community cards. The highest-ranked hand wins the pot, which is the aggregate of all bets in the hand.

Posted in: Gambling